tlslite.recordlayer module

Implementation of the TLS Record Layer protocol

class tlslite.recordlayer.ConnectionState

Bases: object

Preserve the connection state for reading and writing data to records


Create an instance with empty encryption and MACing contexts


Return encoded sequence number and increment it.

class tlslite.recordlayer.RecordLayer(sock)

Bases: object

Implementation of TLS record layer protocol

  • version – the TLS version to use (tuple encoded as on the wire)
  • sock – underlying socket
  • client – whether the connection should use encryption
  • encryptThenMAC – use the encrypt-then-MAC mechanism for record integrity
  • handshake_finished – used in SSL2, True if handshake protocol is over

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Add padding to data so that it is multiple of block size


Return the size of block used by current symmetric cipher (R/O)

calcPendingStates(cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, implementations)

Create pending states for encryption and decryption.

calcSSL2PendingStates(cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, implementations)

Create the keys for encryption and decryption in SSLv2

While we could reuse calcPendingStates(), we need to provide the key-arg data for the server that needs to be passed up to handshake protocol.

calculateMAC(mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, data)

Calculate the SSL/TLS version of a MAC


Change the cipher state to the pending one for read operations.

This should be done only once after a call to calcPendingStates() was performed and directly after receiving a ChangeCipherSpec message.


Change the cipher state to the pending one for write operations.

This should be done only once after a call to calcPendingStates() was performed and directly after sending a ChangeCipherSpec message.


Return the name of the implementation used for the connection

‘python’ for tlslite internal implementation, ‘openssl’ for M2crypto and ‘pycrypto’ for pycrypto :rtype: str :returns: Name of cipher implementation used, None if not initialised


Return the name of the bulk cipher used by this connection

Return type:str
Returns:The name of the cipher, like ‘aes128’, ‘rc4’, etc.

Returns true if cipher uses CBC mode


Read, decrypt and check integrity of a single record

Return type:



message header and decrypted message payload

  • TLSDecryptionFailed – when decryption of data failed
  • TLSBadRecordMAC – when record has bad MAC or padding
  • socket.error – when reading from socket was unsuccessful

Encrypt, MAC and send arbitrary message as-is through socket.

Note that if the message was not fragmented to below 2**14 bytes it will be rejected by the other connection side.

Parameters:msg (ApplicationData, HandshakeMessage, etc.) – TLS message to send

Clear read and write states


Return the TLS version used by record layer

class tlslite.recordlayer.RecordSocket(sock)

Bases: object

Socket wrapper for reading and writing TLS Records


Assign socket to wrapper


Read a single record from socket, handle SSLv2 and SSLv3 record layer

Return type:



generator that returns 0 or 1 in case the read would be blocking or a tuple containing record header (object) and record data (bytearray) read from socket

send(msg, padding=0)

Send the message through socket.

  • msg (bytearray) – TLS message to send
  • padding (int) – amount of padding to specify for SSLv2

socket.error – when write to socket failed