tlslite.integration.asyncstatemachine module

A state machine for using TLS Lite with asynchronous I/O.

class tlslite.integration.asyncstatemachine.AsyncStateMachine

Bases: object

This is an abstract class that’s used to integrate TLS Lite with asyncore and Twisted.

This class signals wantsReadsEvent() and wantsWriteEvent(). When the underlying socket has become readable or writeable, the event should be passed to this class by calling inReadEvent() or inWriteEvent(). This class will then try to read or write through the socket, and will update its state appropriately.

This class will forward higher-level events to its subclass. For example, when a complete TLS record has been received, outReadEvent() will be called with the decrypted data.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Tell the state machine it can read from the socket.


Tell the state machine it can write to the socket.


Called when a close operation completes.

May be overridden in subclass.


Called when a handshake operation completes.

May be overridden in subclass.


Called when a read operation completes.

May be overridden in subclass.


Called when a write operation completes.

May be overridden in subclass.


Start a close operation.


Start a handshake operation.

Parameters:handshaker (generator) – A generator created by using one of the asynchronous handshake functions (i.e. handshakeServerAsync() , or handshakeClientxxx(…, async_=True).

Start a handshake operation.

The arguments passed to this function will be forwarded to handshakeServerAsync.


Start a write operation.

Parameters:writeBuffer (str) – The string to transmit.

If the state machine wants to read.

If an operation is active, this returns whether or not the operation wants to read from the socket. If an operation is not active, this returns None.

Return type:bool or None
Returns:If the state machine wants to read.

If the state machine wants to write.

If an operation is active, this returns whether or not the operation wants to write to the socket. If an operation is not active, this returns None.

Return type:bool or None
Returns:If the state machine wants to write.