tlslite.keyexchange module

Handling of cryptographic operations for key exchange

class tlslite.keyexchange.ADHKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, dhParams=None, dhGroups=None)[source]

Bases: KeyExchange

Handling of anonymous Diffie-Hellman Key exchange

FFDHE without signing serverKeyExchange useful for anonymous DH

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, dhParams=None, dhGroups=None)[source]

Initialize KeyExchange. privateKey is the signing private key


Create client key share for the key exchange


Prepare server side of anonymous key exchange with selected parameters


Use client provided parameters to establish premaster secret

processServerKeyExchange(srvPublicKey, serverKeyExchange)[source]

Process the server key exchange, return premaster secret.

class tlslite.keyexchange.AECDHKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, acceptedCurves, defaultCurve=23)[source]

Bases: KeyExchange

Handling of anonymous Eliptic curve Diffie-Hellman Key exchange

ECDHE without signing serverKeyExchange useful for anonymous ECDH

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, acceptedCurves, defaultCurve=23)[source]

Initialize KeyExchange. privateKey is the signing private key


Make client key exchange for ECDHE


Create AECDHE version of Server Key Exchange


Calculate premaster secret from previously generated SKE and CKE

processServerKeyExchange(srvPublicKey, serverKeyExchange)[source]

Process the server key exchange, return premaster secret

class tlslite.keyexchange.AuthenticatedKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey=None)[source]

Bases: KeyExchange

Common methods for key exchanges that authenticate Server Key Exchange

Methods for signing Server Key Exchange message


Prepare server side of key exchange with selected parameters

class tlslite.keyexchange.DHE_RSAKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, dhParams=None, dhGroups=None)[source]

Bases: AuthenticatedKeyExchange, ADHKeyExchange

Handling of authenticated ephemeral Diffe-Hellman Key exchange.

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, dhParams=None, dhGroups=None)[source]

Create helper object for Diffie-Hellamn key exchange.


dhParams (2-element tuple of int) – Diffie-Hellman parameters that will be used by server. First element of the tuple is the generator, the second is the prime. If not specified it will use a secure set (currently a 2048-bit safe prime).

class tlslite.keyexchange.ECDHE_RSAKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, acceptedCurves, defaultCurve=23)[source]

Bases: AuthenticatedKeyExchange, AECDHKeyExchange

Helper class for conducting ECDHE key exchange

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, acceptedCurves, defaultCurve=23)[source]

Initialize KeyExchange. privateKey is the signing private key

class tlslite.keyexchange.ECDHKeyExchange(group, version)[source]

Bases: RawDHKeyExchange

Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

__init__(group, version)[source]

Set the parameters of the key exchange

Sets group on which the KEX will take part and protocol version used.


Calculate public value for given private key.

calc_shared_key(private, peer_share)[source]

Calculate the shared key,


Return random private key value for the selected curve.

class tlslite.keyexchange.FFDHKeyExchange(group, version, generator=None, prime=None)[source]

Bases: RawDHKeyExchange

Implemenation of the Finite Field Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

__init__(group, version, generator=None, prime=None)[source]

Set the parameters of the key exchange

Sets group on which the KEX will take part and protocol version used.


Calculate the public value for given private value.

Return type:


calc_shared_key(private, peer_share)[source]

Calculate the shared key.


Return a random private value for the prime used.

Return type:


class tlslite.keyexchange.KeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey=None)[source]

Bases: object

Common API for calculating Premaster secret

NOT stable, will get moved from this file

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey=None)[source]

Initialize KeyExchange. privateKey is the signing private key

static calcVerifyBytes(version, handshakeHashes, signatureAlg, premasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, prf_name=None, peer_tag=b'client', key_type='rsa')[source]

Calculate signed bytes for Certificate Verify

static makeCertificateVerify(version, handshakeHashes, validSigAlgs, privateKey, certificateRequest, premasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom)[source]

Create a Certificate Verify message

  • version – protocol version in use

  • handshakeHashes – the running hash of all handshake messages

  • validSigAlgs – acceptable signature algorithms for client side, applicable only to TLSv1.2 (or later)

  • certificateRequest – the server provided Certificate Request message

  • premasterSecret – the premaster secret, needed only for SSLv3

  • clientRandom – client provided random value, needed only for SSLv3

  • serverRandom – server provided random value, needed only for SSLv3


Create a ClientKeyExchange object

Returns a ClientKeyExchange for the second flight from client in the handshake.


Create a ServerKeyExchange object

Returns a ServerKeyExchange object for the server’s initial leg in the handshake. If the key exchange method does not send ServerKeyExchange (e.g. RSA), it returns None.


Process ClientKeyExchange and return premaster secret

Processes the client’s ClientKeyExchange message and returns the premaster secret. Raises TLSLocalAlert on error.

processServerKeyExchange(srvPublicKey, serverKeyExchange)[source]

Process the server KEX and return premaster secret

signServerKeyExchange(serverKeyExchange, sigHash=None)[source]

Sign a server key exchange using default or specified algorithm


sigHash (str) – name of the signature hash to be used for signing

static verifyServerKeyExchange(serverKeyExchange, publicKey, clientRandom, serverRandom, validSigAlgs)[source]

Verify signature on the Server Key Exchange message

the only acceptable signature algorithms are specified by validSigAlgs

class tlslite.keyexchange.RSAKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey)[source]

Bases: KeyExchange

Handling of RSA key exchange

NOT stable API, do NOT use

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey)[source]

Initialize KeyExchange. privateKey is the signing private key


Return a client key exchange with clients key share


Don’t create a server key exchange for RSA key exchange


Decrypt client key exchange, return premaster secret

processServerKeyExchange(srvPublicKey, serverKeyExchange)[source]

Generate premaster secret for server

class tlslite.keyexchange.RawDHKeyExchange(group, version)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for performing Diffe-Hellman key exchange.

Provides a shared API for X25519, ECDHE and FFDHE key exchange.

__init__(group, version)[source]

Set the parameters of the key exchange

Sets group on which the KEX will take part and protocol version used.


Calculate the public value from the provided private value.

calc_shared_key(private, peer_share)[source]

Calcualte the shared key given our private and remote share value


Generate a random value suitable for use as the private value of KEX.

class tlslite.keyexchange.SRPKeyExchange(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, verifierDB, srpUsername=None, password=None, settings=None)[source]

Bases: KeyExchange

Helper class for conducting SRP key exchange

__init__(cipherSuite, clientHello, serverHello, privateKey, verifierDB, srpUsername=None, password=None, settings=None)[source]

Link Key Exchange options with verifierDB for SRP


Create ClientKeyExchange


Create SRP version of Server Key Exchange


Calculate premaster secret from Client Key Exchange and sent SKE

processServerKeyExchange(srvPublicKey, serverKeyExchange)[source]

Calculate premaster secret from ServerKeyExchange