Source code for tlslite.x509

# Authors:
#   Trevor Perrin
#   Google - parsing subject field
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

"""Class representing an X.509 certificate."""

from ecdsa.keys import VerifyingKey

from .utils.asn1parser import ASN1Parser
from .utils.cryptomath import *
from .utils.keyfactory import _createPublicRSAKey, _create_public_ecdsa_key, \
    _create_public_dsa_key, _create_public_eddsa_key
from .utils.pem import *
from .utils.compat import compatHMAC, b2a_hex
from .constants import AlgorithmOID, RSA_PSS_OID

[docs] class X509(object): """ This class represents an X.509 certificate. :vartype bytes: bytearray :ivar bytes: The DER-encoded ASN.1 certificate :vartype publicKey: ~tlslite.utils.rsakey.RSAKey :ivar publicKey: The subject public key from the certificate. :vartype subject: bytearray :ivar subject: The DER-encoded ASN.1 subject distinguished name. :vartype certAlg: str :ivar certAlg: algorithm of the public key, "rsa" for RSASSA-PKCS#1 v1.5, "rsa-pss" for RSASSA-PSS, "ecdsa" for ECDSA """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Create empty certificate object.""" self.bytes = bytearray(0) self.serial_number = None self.subject_public_key = None self.publicKey = None self.subject = None self.certAlg = None self.sigalg = None self.issuer = None
def __hash__(self): """Calculate hash of object.""" return hash(bytes(self.bytes)) def __eq__(self, other): """Compare other object for equality.""" if not hasattr(other, "bytes"): return NotImplemented return self.bytes == other.bytes def __ne__(self, other): """Compare with other object for inequality.""" if not hasattr(other, "bytes"): return NotImplemented return not self == other
[docs] def parse(self, s): """ Parse a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. :type s: str :param s: A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate (i.e. a base64-encoded certificate wrapped with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" tags). """ bytes = dePem(s, "CERTIFICATE") self.parseBinary(bytes) return self
[docs] def parseBinary(self, cert_bytes): """ Parse a DER-encoded X.509 certificate. :type bytes: L{str} (in python2) or L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes :param bytes: A DER-encoded X.509 certificate. """ self.bytes = bytearray(cert_bytes) parser = ASN1Parser(self.bytes) # Get the SignatureAlgorithm signature_algorithm_identifier = parser.getChild(1) self.sigalg = bytes(signature_algorithm_identifier.getChildBytes(0)) # Finally get the (hash, signature) pair coresponding to it # If it is rsa-pss we need to check the aditional parameters field # to extract the hash algorithm if self.sigalg == RSA_PSS_OID: sigalg_hash = signature_algorithm_identifier.getChild(1) sigalg_hash = bytes(sigalg_hash.getChild(0).value) self.sigalg = AlgorithmOID.oid[sigalg_hash] else: self.sigalg = AlgorithmOID.oid[self.sigalg] # Get the tbsCertificate tbs_certificate = parser.getChild(0) # Is the optional version field present? # This determines which index the key is at. if tbs_certificate.value[0] == 0xA0: serial_number_index = 1 subject_public_key_info_index = 6 else: serial_number_index = 0 subject_public_key_info_index = 5 # Get serial number self.serial_number = bytesToNumber(tbs_certificate.getChild(serial_number_index).value) # Get the issuer self.issuer = tbs_certificate.getChildBytes( subject_public_key_info_index - 3) # Get the subject self.subject = tbs_certificate.getChildBytes( subject_public_key_info_index - 1) # Get the subjectPublicKeyInfo subject_public_key_info = tbs_certificate.getChild( subject_public_key_info_index) # Get the AlgorithmIdentifier alg_identifier = subject_public_key_info.getChild(0) alg_identifier_len = alg_identifier.getChildCount() # first item of AlgorithmIdentifier is the algorithm alg = alg_identifier.getChild(0) alg_oid = alg.value if list(alg_oid) == [42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1]: self.certAlg = "rsa" elif list(alg_oid) == [42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 10]: self.certAlg = "rsa-pss" elif list(alg_oid) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 1]: self.certAlg = "dsa" elif list(alg_oid) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 2, 1]: self.certAlg = "ecdsa" elif list(alg_oid) == [43, 101, 112]: self.certAlg = "Ed25519" elif list(alg_oid) == [43, 101, 113]: self.certAlg = "Ed448" else: raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized AlgorithmIdentifier") # for RSA the parameters of AlgorithmIdentifier shuld be a NULL if self.certAlg == "rsa": if alg_identifier_len != 2: raise SyntaxError("Missing parameters in AlgorithmIdentifier") params = alg_identifier.getChild(1) if params.value != bytearray(0): raise SyntaxError("Unexpected non-NULL parameters in " "AlgorithmIdentifier") elif self.certAlg == "ecdsa": self._ecdsa_pubkey_parsing( tbs_certificate.getChildBytes(subject_public_key_info_index)) return elif self.certAlg == "dsa": self._dsa_pubkey_parsing(subject_public_key_info) return elif self.certAlg == "Ed25519" or self.certAlg == "Ed448": self._eddsa_pubkey_parsing( tbs_certificate.getChildBytes(subject_public_key_info_index)) return else: # rsa-pss pass # ignore parameters, if any - don't apply key restrictions self._rsa_pubkey_parsing(subject_public_key_info)
def _eddsa_pubkey_parsing(self, subject_public_key_info): """ Convert the raw DER encoded EdDSA parameters into public key object. :param subject_public_key_info: bytes like object with the DER encoded public key in it """ try: # python ecdsa knows how to parse curve OIDs so re-use that # code public_key = VerifyingKey.from_der(compatHMAC( subject_public_key_info)) except Exception: raise SyntaxError("Malformed or unsupported public key in " "certificate") self.publicKey = _create_public_eddsa_key(public_key) def _rsa_pubkey_parsing(self, subject_public_key_info): """ Parse the RSA public key from the certificate. :param subject_public_key_info: ASN1Parser object with subject public key info of X.509 certificate """ # Get the subjectPublicKey subject_public_key = subject_public_key_info.getChild(1) self.subject_public_key = subject_public_key_info.getChildBytes(1) self.subject_public_key = ASN1Parser(self.subject_public_key).value[1:] # Adjust for BIT STRING encapsulation if subject_public_key.value[0]: raise SyntaxError() subject_public_key = ASN1Parser(subject_public_key.value[1:]) # Get the modulus and exponent modulus = subject_public_key.getChild(0) public_exponent = subject_public_key.getChild(1) # Decode them into numbers # pylint: disable=invalid-name # 'n' and 'e' are the universally used parameters in RSA algorithm # definition n = bytesToNumber(modulus.value) e = bytesToNumber(public_exponent.value) # Create a public key instance self.publicKey = _createPublicRSAKey(n, e, self.certAlg) # pylint: enable=invalid-name def _ecdsa_pubkey_parsing(self, subject_public_key_info): """ Convert the raw DER encoded ECDSA parameters into public key object :param subject_public_key_info: bytes like object with DER encoded public key in it """ try: # python ecdsa knows how to parse curve OIDs so re-use that # code public_key = VerifyingKey.from_der(compatHMAC( subject_public_key_info)) except Exception: raise SyntaxError("Malformed or unsupported public key in " "certificate") x = public_key.pubkey.point.x() y = public_key.pubkey.point.y() curve_name = self.publicKey = _create_public_ecdsa_key(x, y, curve_name) def _dsa_pubkey_parsing(self, subject_public_key_info): """ Convert the raw DER encoded DSA parameters into public key object :param subject_public_key_info: bytes like object with DER encoded global parameters and public key in it """ global_parameters = (subject_public_key_info.getChild(0)).getChild(1) # Get the subjectPublicKey public_key = subject_public_key_info.getChild(1) # Adjust for BIT STRING encapsulation and get hex value if public_key.value[0]: raise SyntaxError() y = ASN1Parser(public_key.value[1:]) # Get the {A, p, q} p = global_parameters.getChild(0) q = global_parameters.getChild(1) g = global_parameters.getChild(2) # Decode them into numbers y = bytesToNumber(y.value) p = bytesToNumber(p.value) q = bytesToNumber(q.value) g = bytesToNumber(g.value) # Create a public key instance self.publicKey = _create_public_dsa_key(p, q, g, y)
[docs] def getFingerprint(self): """ Get the hex-encoded fingerprint of this certificate. :rtype: str :returns: A hex-encoded fingerprint. """ return b2a_hex(SHA1(self.bytes))
[docs] def writeBytes(self): """Serialise object to a DER encoded string.""" return self.bytes