Source code for tlslite.utils.rsakey

# Author: Trevor Perrin
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

"""Abstract class for RSA."""

from .cryptomath import *
from . import tlshashlib as hashlib
from ..errors import MaskTooLongError, MessageTooLongError, EncodingError, \
    InvalidSignature, UnknownRSAType
from .constanttime import ct_isnonzero_u32, ct_neq_u32, ct_lsb_prop_u8, \
    ct_lsb_prop_u16, ct_lt_u32

[docs] class RSAKey(object): """This is an abstract base class for RSA keys. Particular implementations of RSA keys, such as :py:class:`~.openssl_rsakey.OpenSSL_RSAKey`, :py:class:`~.python_rsakey.Python_RSAKey`, and :py:class:`~.pycrypto_rsakey.PyCrypto_RSAKey`, inherit from this. To create or parse an RSA key, don't use one of these classes directly. Instead, use the factory functions in :py:class:`~tlslite.utils.keyfactory`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n=0, e=0, key_type="rsa"): """Create a new RSA key. If n and e are passed in, the new key will be initialized. :type n: int :param n: RSA modulus. :type e: int :param e: RSA public exponent. :type key_type: str :param key_type: type of the RSA key, "rsa" for rsaEncryption (universal, able to perform all operations) or "rsa-pss" for a RSASSA-PSS key (able to perform only RSA-PSS signature verification and creation) """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.n = n self.e = e # pylint: enable=invalid-name self.key_type = key_type self._key_hash = None raise NotImplementedError()
def __len__(self): """Return the length of this key in bits. :rtype: int """ return numBits(self.n)
[docs] def hasPrivateKey(self): """Return whether or not this key has a private component. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hashAndSign(self, bytes, rsaScheme='PKCS1', hAlg='sha1', sLen=0): """Hash and sign the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs a PKCS1 or PSS signature on the passed-in data with selected hash algorithm. :type bytes: bytes-like object :param bytes: The value which will be hashed and signed. :type rsaScheme: str :param rsaScheme: The type of RSA scheme that will be applied, "PKCS1" for RSASSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 signature and "PSS" for RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 signature method :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: The hash algorithm that will be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: The length of intended salt value, applicable only for RSASSA-PSS signatures :rtype: bytearray :returns: A PKCS1 or PSS signature on the passed-in data. """ rsaScheme = rsaScheme.lower() hAlg = hAlg.lower() hashBytes = secureHash(bytearray(bytes), hAlg) return self.sign(hashBytes, padding=rsaScheme, hashAlg=hAlg, saltLen=sLen)
[docs] def hashAndVerify(self, sigBytes, bytes, rsaScheme='PKCS1', hAlg='sha1', sLen=0): """Hash and verify the passed-in bytes with the signature. This verifies a PKCS1 or PSS signature on the passed-in data with selected hash algorithm. :type sigBytes: bytes-like object :param sigBytes: A PKCS1 or PSS signature. :type bytes: bytes-like object :param bytes: The value which will be hashed and verified. :type rsaScheme: str :param rsaScheme: The type of RSA scheme that will be applied, "PKCS1" for RSASSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 signature and "PSS" for RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 signature method :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: The hash algorithm that will be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: The length of intended salt value, applicable only for RSASSA-PSS signatures :rtype: bool :returns: Whether the signature matches the passed-in data. """ rsaScheme = rsaScheme.lower() hAlg = hAlg.lower() hashBytes = secureHash(bytearray(bytes), hAlg) return self.verify(sigBytes, hashBytes, rsaScheme, hAlg, sLen)
[docs] def MGF1(self, mgfSeed, maskLen, hAlg): """Generate mask from passed-in seed. This generates mask based on passed-in seed and output maskLen. :type mgfSeed: bytearray :param mgfSeed: Seed from which mask will be generated. :type maskLen: int :param maskLen: Wished length of the mask, in octets :rtype: bytearray :returns: Mask """ hashLen = getattr(hashlib, hAlg)().digest_size if maskLen > (2 ** 32) * hashLen: raise MaskTooLongError("Incorrect parameter maskLen") T = bytearray() end = divceil(maskLen, hashLen) for x in range(0, end): C = numberToByteArray(x, 4) T += secureHash(mgfSeed + C, hAlg) return T[:maskLen]
[docs] def EMSA_PSS_encode(self, mHash, emBits, hAlg, sLen=0): """Encode the passed in message This encodes the message using selected hash algorithm :type mHash: bytearray :param mHash: Hash of message to be encoded :type emBits: int :param emBits: maximal length of returned EM :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: hash algorithm to be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: length of salt""" hashLen = getattr(hashlib, hAlg)().digest_size emLen = divceil(emBits, 8) if emLen < hashLen + sLen + 2: raise EncodingError("The ending limit too short for " + "selected hash and salt length") salt = getRandomBytes(sLen) M2 = bytearray(8) + mHash + salt H = secureHash(M2, hAlg) PS = bytearray(emLen - sLen - hashLen - 2) DB = PS + bytearray(b'\x01') + salt dbMask = self.MGF1(H, emLen - hashLen - 1, hAlg) maskedDB = bytearray(i ^ j for i, j in zip(DB, dbMask)) mLen = emLen*8 - emBits mask = (1 << 8 - mLen) - 1 maskedDB[0] &= mask EM = maskedDB + H + bytearray(b'\xbc') return EM
[docs] def RSASSA_PSS_sign(self, mHash, hAlg, sLen=0): """"Sign the passed in message This signs the message using selected hash algorithm :type mHash: bytes-like object :param mHash: Hash of message to be signed :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: hash algorithm to be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: length of salt""" EM = self.EMSA_PSS_encode(mHash, numBits(self.n) - 1, hAlg, sLen) try: ret = self._raw_private_key_op_bytes(EM) except ValueError: raise MessageTooLongError("Encode output too long") return ret
[docs] def EMSA_PSS_verify(self, mHash, EM, emBits, hAlg, sLen=0): """Verify signature in passed in encoded message This verifies the signature in encoded message :type mHash: bytes-like object :param mHash: Hash of the original not signed message :type EM: bytes-like object :param EM: Encoded message :type emBits: int :param emBits: Length of the encoded message in bits :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: hash algorithm to be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: Length of salt """ hashLen = getattr(hashlib, hAlg)().digest_size emLen = divceil(emBits, 8) if emLen < hashLen + sLen + 2: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") if EM[-1] != 0xbc: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") maskedDB = EM[0:emLen - hashLen - 1] H = EM[emLen - hashLen - 1:emLen - hashLen - 1 + hashLen] DBHelpMask = 1 << 8 - (8*emLen - emBits) DBHelpMask -= 1 DBHelpMask = (~DBHelpMask) & 0xff if maskedDB[0] & DBHelpMask != 0: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") dbMask = self.MGF1(H, emLen - hashLen - 1, hAlg) DB = bytearray(i ^ j for i, j in zip(maskedDB, dbMask)) mLen = emLen*8 - emBits mask = (1 << 8 - mLen) - 1 DB[0] &= mask if any(x != 0 for x in DB[0:emLen - hashLen - sLen - 2]): raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") if DB[emLen - hashLen - sLen - 2] != 0x01: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") if sLen != 0: salt = DB[-sLen:] else: salt = bytearray() newM = bytearray(8) + mHash + salt newH = secureHash(newM, hAlg) if H == newH: return True else: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature")
[docs] def RSASSA_PSS_verify(self, mHash, S, hAlg, sLen=0): """Verify the signature in passed in message This verifies the signature in the signed message :type mHash: bytes-like object :param mHash: Hash of original message :type S: bytes-like object :param S: Signed message :type hAlg: str :param hAlg: Hash algorithm to be used :type sLen: int :param sLen: Length of salt """ try: EM = self._raw_public_key_op_bytes(S) except ValueError: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature") result = self.EMSA_PSS_verify(mHash, EM, numBits(self.n) - 1, hAlg, sLen) if result: return True else: raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature")
def _raw_pkcs1_sign(self, bytes): """Perform signature on raw data, add PKCS#1 padding.""" if not self.hasPrivateKey(): raise AssertionError() paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 1) return self._raw_private_key_op_bytes(paddedBytes)
[docs] def sign(self, bytes, padding='pkcs1', hashAlg=None, saltLen=None): """Sign the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs a PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. :type bytes: bytes-like object :param bytes: The value which will be signed. :type padding: str :param padding: name of the rsa padding mode to use, supported: "pkcs1" for RSASSA-PKCS1_1_5 and "pss" for RSASSA-PSS. :type hashAlg: str :param hashAlg: name of hash to be encoded using the PKCS#1 prefix for "pkcs1" padding or the hash used for MGF1 in "pss". Parameter is mandatory for "pss" padding. :type saltLen: int :param saltLen: length of salt used for the PSS padding. Default is the length of the hash output used. :rtype: bytearray :returns: A PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. """ padding = padding.lower() if padding == 'pkcs1': if hashAlg is not None: bytes = self.addPKCS1Prefix(bytes, hashAlg) sigBytes = self._raw_pkcs1_sign(bytes) elif padding == "pss": sigBytes = self.RSASSA_PSS_sign(bytes, hashAlg, saltLen) else: raise UnknownRSAType("Unknown RSA algorithm type") return sigBytes
def _raw_pkcs1_verify(self, sigBytes, bytes): """Perform verification operation on raw PKCS#1 padded signature""" try: checkBytes = self._raw_public_key_op_bytes(sigBytes) except ValueError: return False paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 1) return checkBytes == paddedBytes
[docs] def verify(self, sigBytes, bytes, padding='pkcs1', hashAlg=None, saltLen=None): """Verify the passed-in bytes with the signature. This verifies a PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. :type sigBytes: bytes-like object :param sigBytes: A PKCS1 signature. :type bytes: bytes-like object :param bytes: The value which will be verified. :rtype: bool :returns: Whether the signature matches the passed-in data. """ if padding == "pkcs1" and self.key_type == "rsa-pss": return False if padding == "pkcs1" and hashAlg == 'sha1': # Try it with/without the embedded NULL prefixedHashBytes1 = self.addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(bytes, False) prefixedHashBytes2 = self.addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(bytes, True) result1 = self._raw_pkcs1_verify(sigBytes, prefixedHashBytes1) result2 = self._raw_pkcs1_verify(sigBytes, prefixedHashBytes2) return (result1 or result2) elif padding == 'pkcs1': if hashAlg is not None: bytes = self.addPKCS1Prefix(bytes, hashAlg) res = self._raw_pkcs1_verify(sigBytes, bytes) return res elif padding == "pss": try: res = self.RSASSA_PSS_verify(bytes, sigBytes, hashAlg, saltLen) except InvalidSignature: res = False return res else: raise UnknownRSAType("Unknown RSA algorithm type")
[docs] def encrypt(self, bytes): """Encrypt the passed-in bytes. This performs PKCS1 encryption of the passed-in data. :type bytes: bytes-like object :param bytes: The value which will be encrypted. :rtype: bytearray :returns: A PKCS1 encryption of the passed-in data. """ paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 2) return self._raw_public_key_op_bytes(paddedBytes)
def _dec_prf(self, key, label, out_len): """PRF for deterministic implicit rejection in the RSA decryption. :param bytes key: key to use for derivation :param bytes label: name of the keystream generated :param int out_len: length of output, in bits :rtype: bytes :returns: a random bytestring """ out = bytearray() if out_len % 8 != 0: raise ValueError("only multiples of 8 supported as output size") iterator = 0 while len(out) < out_len // 8: out += secureHMAC( key, numberToByteArray(iterator, 2) + label + numberToByteArray(out_len, 2), "sha256") iterator += 1 return out[:out_len//8]
[docs] def decrypt(self, encBytes): """Decrypt the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption operation of the passed-in data. Note: as a workaround against Bleichenbacher-like attacks, it will return a deterministically selected random message in case the padding checks failed. It returns an error (None) only in case the ciphertext is of incorrect length or encodes an integer bigger than the modulus of the key (i.e. it's publically invalid). :type encBytes: bytes-like object :param encBytes: The value which will be decrypted. :rtype: bytearray or None :returns: A PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption of the passed-in data or None if the provided data is not properly formatted. Note: encrypting an empty string is correct, so it may return an empty bytearray for some ciphertexts. """ if not self.hasPrivateKey(): raise AssertionError() if self.key_type != "rsa": raise ValueError("Decryption requires RSA key, \"{0}\" present" .format(self.key_type)) try: dec_bytes = self._raw_private_key_op_bytes(encBytes) except ValueError: # _raw_private_key_op_bytes fails only when encBytes >= self.n, # or when len(encBytes) != numBytes(self.n) and that's public # information, so we don't have to handle it # in sidechannel secure way return None ################### # here be dragons # ################### # While the code is written as-if it was side-channel secure, in # practice, because of cPython implementation details IT IS NOT # see: # n = self.n # maximum length we can return is reduced by the mandatory prefix: # (0x00 0x02), 8 bytes of padding, so this is the position of the # null separator byte, as counted from the last position max_sep_offset = numBytes(n) - 10 # the private exponent (d) doesn't change so `_key_hash` doesn't # change, calculate it only once if not hasattr(self, '_key_hash') or not self._key_hash: self._key_hash = secureHash(numberToByteArray(self.d, numBytes(n)), "sha256") kdk = secureHMAC(self._key_hash, encBytes, "sha256") # we need 128 2-byte numbers, encoded as the number of bits length_randoms = self._dec_prf(kdk, b"length", 128 * 2 * 8) message_random = self._dec_prf(kdk, b"message", numBytes(n) * 8) # select the last length that's not too large to return synth_length = 0 length_rand_iter = iter(length_randoms) length_mask = (1 << numBits(max_sep_offset)) - 1 for high, low in zip(length_rand_iter, length_rand_iter): # interpret the two bytes from the PRF output as 16-bit big-endian # integer len_candidate = (high << 8) + low len_candidate &= length_mask # equivalent to: # if len_candidate < max_sep_offset: # synth_length = len_candidate mask = ct_lt_u32(len_candidate, max_sep_offset) mask = ct_lsb_prop_u16(mask) synth_length = synth_length & (0xffff ^ mask) \ | len_candidate & mask synth_msg_start = numBytes(n) - synth_length error_detected = 0 # enumerate over all decrypted bytes em_bytes = enumerate(dec_bytes) # first check if first two bytes specify PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption padding _, val = next(em_bytes) error_detected |= ct_isnonzero_u32(val) _, val = next(em_bytes) error_detected |= ct_neq_u32(val, 0x02) # then look for for the null separator byte among the padding bytes # but inspect all decrypted bytes, even if we already find the # separator earlier msg_start = 0 for pos, val in em_bytes: # padding must be at least 8 bytes long, fail if any of the first # 8 bytes of it are zero # equivalent to: # if pos < 10 and not val: # error_detected = 0x01 error_detected |= ct_lt_u32(pos, 10) & (1 ^ ct_isnonzero_u32(val)) # update the msg_start only once; when it's 0 # (pos+1) because we want to skip the null separator # equivalent to: # if pos >= 10 and not msg_start and not val: # msg_start = pos+1 mask = (1 ^ ct_lt_u32(pos, 10)) & (1 ^ ct_isnonzero_u32(val)) \ & (1 ^ ct_isnonzero_u32(msg_start)) mask = ct_lsb_prop_u16(mask) msg_start = msg_start & (0xffff ^ mask) | (pos+1) & mask # if separator wasn't found, it's an error # equivalent to: # if not msg_start: # error_detected = 0x01 error_detected |= 1 ^ ct_isnonzero_u32(msg_start) # equivalent to: # if error_detected: # ret_msg_start = synth_msg_start # else: # ret_msg_start = msg_start mask = ct_lsb_prop_u16(error_detected) ret_msg_start = msg_start & (0xffff ^ mask) | synth_msg_start & mask # as at this point the length doesn't leak the information if the # padding was correct or not, we don't have to worry about the # length of the returned value (and thus the size of the buffer we # pass to the caller); but we still need to read both buffers # to ensure that the memory access patern is preserved (that both # buffers are accessed, not just the one we return) # equivalent to: # if error_detected: # return message_random[ret_msg_start:] # else: # return dec_bytes[ret_msg_start:] mask = ct_lsb_prop_u8(error_detected) not_mask = 0xff ^ mask ret = bytearray( x & not_mask | y & mask for x, y in zip(dec_bytes[ret_msg_start:], message_random[ret_msg_start:])) return ret
def _rawPrivateKeyOp(self, message): raise NotImplementedError() def _rawPublicKeyOp(self, ciphertext): raise NotImplementedError() def _raw_private_key_op_bytes(self, message): n = self.n if len(message) != numBytes(n): raise ValueError("Message has incorrect length for the key size") m_int = bytesToNumber(message) if m_int >= n: raise ValueError("Provided message value exceeds modulus") dec_int = self._rawPrivateKeyOp(m_int) return numberToByteArray(dec_int, numBytes(n)) def _raw_public_key_op_bytes(self, ciphertext): n = self.n if len(ciphertext) != numBytes(n): raise ValueError("Message has incorrect length for the key size") c_int = bytesToNumber(ciphertext) if c_int >= n: raise ValueError("Provided message value exceeds modulus") enc_int = self._rawPublicKeyOp(c_int) return numberToByteArray(enc_int, numBytes(n))
[docs] def acceptsPassword(self): """Return True if the write() method accepts a password for use in encrypting the private key. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def write(self, password=None): """Return a string containing the key. :rtype: str :returns: A string describing the key, in whichever format (PEM) is native to the implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def generate(bits, key_type="rsa"): """Generate a new key with the specified bit length. :rtype: ~tlslite.utils.RSAKey.RSAKey """ raise NotImplementedError()
# ************************************************************************** # Helper Functions for RSA Keys # **************************************************************************
[docs] @classmethod def addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(cls, hashBytes, withNULL=True): """Add PKCS#1 v1.5 algorithm identifier prefix to SHA1 hash bytes""" # There is a long history of confusion over whether the SHA1 # algorithmIdentifier should be encoded with a NULL parameter or # with the parameter omitted. While the original intention was # apparently to omit it, many toolkits went the other way. TLS 1.2 # specifies the NULL should be included, and this behavior is also # mandated in recent versions of PKCS #1, and is what tlslite has # always implemented. Anyways, verification code should probably # accept both. if not withNULL: prefixBytes = bytearray([0x30, 0x1f, 0x30, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x04, 0x14]) else: prefixBytes = cls._pkcs1Prefixes['sha1'] prefixedBytes = prefixBytes + hashBytes return prefixedBytes
_pkcs1Prefixes = {'md5' : bytearray([0x30, 0x20, 0x30, 0x0c, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x02, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x10]), 'sha1' : bytearray([0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14]), 'sha224' : bytearray([0x30, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1c]), 'sha256' : bytearray([0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x20]), 'sha384' : bytearray([0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x30]), 'sha512' : bytearray([0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x40])}
[docs] @classmethod def addPKCS1Prefix(cls, data, hashName): """Add the PKCS#1 v1.5 algorithm identifier prefix to hash bytes""" hashName = hashName.lower() assert hashName in cls._pkcs1Prefixes prefixBytes = cls._pkcs1Prefixes[hashName] return prefixBytes + data
def _addPKCS1Padding(self, bytes, blockType): padLength = (numBytes(self.n) - (len(bytes)+3)) if blockType == 1: #Signature padding pad = [0xFF] * padLength elif blockType == 2: #Encryption padding pad = bytearray(0) while len(pad) < padLength: padBytes = getRandomBytes(padLength * 2) pad = [b for b in padBytes if b] pad = pad[:padLength] else: raise AssertionError() padding = bytearray([0,blockType] + pad + [0]) return padding + bytes