Source code for tlslite.utils.lists

# Authors:
#   Hubert Kario (2016)
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

"""Helper functions for handling lists"""

from itertools import chain

[docs] def getFirstMatching(values, matches): """ Return the first element in :py:obj:`values` that is also in :py:obj:`matches`. Return None if values is None, empty or no element in values is also in matches. :type values: :param values: list of items to look through, can be None :type matches: :param matches: list of items to check against """ assert matches is not None if not values: return None return next((i for i in values if i in matches), None)
[docs] def to_str_delimiter(values, delim=", ", last_delim=" or "): """ Format the list as a human readable string. Will format the list as a human readable enumeration, separated by commas (changable with `delim`) with last value separated with "or" (changable with `last_delim`). :type values: :param values: list of items to concatenate :type delim: str :param delim: primary delimiter for objects, comma by default :type last_delim: str :param last_delim: delimiter for last object in list :rtype: str """ # we need to slice the iterator, so we need a copy values = list(values) return delim.join(chain((str(i) for i in values[:-2]), [last_delim.join(str(i) for i in values[-2:])]))