Source code for tlslite.utils.cipherfactory

# Author: Trevor Perrin
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

"""Factory functions for symmetric cryptography."""

import os

from tlslite.utils import python_aes
from tlslite.utils import python_aesgcm
from tlslite.utils import python_aesccm
from tlslite.utils import python_chacha20_poly1305
from tlslite.utils import python_rc4
from tlslite.utils import python_tripledes
from tlslite.utils import openssl_aesccm
from tlslite.utils import openssl_aesgcm

from tlslite.utils import cryptomath

tripleDESPresent = True
"""Inform if the 3DES algorithm is supported."""

if cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded:
    from tlslite.utils import openssl_aes
    from tlslite.utils import openssl_rc4
    from tlslite.utils import openssl_tripledes

if cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded:
    from tlslite.utils import pycrypto_aes
    from tlslite.utils import pycrypto_aesgcm
    from tlslite.utils import pycrypto_rc4
    from tlslite.utils import pycrypto_tripledes

# **************************************************************************
# Factory Functions for AES
# **************************************************************************

[docs] def createAES(key, IV, implList=None): """Create a new AES object. :type key: str :param key: A 16, 24, or 32 byte string. :type IV: str :param IV: A 16 byte string :rtype: tlslite.utils.AES :returns: An AES object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return, 2, IV) elif impl == "pycrypto" and cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded: return, 2, IV) elif impl == "python": return, 2, IV) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createAESCTR(key, IV, implList=None): """Create a new AESCTR object. :type key: str :param key: A 16, 24, or 32 byte string. :type IV: str :param IV: A 8 or 12 byte string :rtype: tlslite.utils.AES :returns: An AES object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "python": return, 6, IV) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createAESGCM(key, implList=None): """Create a new AESGCM object. :type key: bytearray :param key: A 16 or 32 byte byte array. :rtype: tlslite.utils.AESGCM :returns: An AESGCM object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return if impl == "pycrypto" and cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded: return if impl == "python": return raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createAESCCM(key, implList=None): """ Create a new AESCCM object. :type key: bytearray :param key: A 16 or 32 byte byte array to serve as key. :rtype: tlslite.utils.AESCCM :returns: An AESCCM object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return if impl == "python": return raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createAESCCM_8(key, implList=None): """ Create a new AESCCM object with truncated tag. :type key: bytearray :param key: A 16 or 32 byte byte array to serve as key. :rtype: tlslite.utils.AESCCM :returns: An AESCCM object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return, 8) if impl == "python": return, 8) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createCHACHA20(key, implList=None): """Create a new CHACHA20_POLY1305 object. :type key: bytearray :param key: a 32 byte array to serve as key :rtype: tlslite.utils.CHACHA20_POLY1305 :returns: A ChaCha20/Poly1305 object """ if implList is None: implList = ["python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "python": return raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def createRC4(key, IV, implList=None): """Create a new RC4 object. :type key: str :param key: A 16 to 32 byte string. :type IV: object :param IV: Ignored, whatever it is. :rtype: tlslite.utils.RC4 :returns: An RC4 object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"] if len(IV) != 0: raise AssertionError() for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return elif impl == "pycrypto" and cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded: return elif impl == "python": return raise NotImplementedError()
#Create a new TripleDES instance
[docs] def createTripleDES(key, IV, implList=None): """Create a new 3DES object. :type key: str :param key: A 24 byte string. :type IV: str :param IV: An 8 byte string :rtype: tlslite.utils.TripleDES :returns: A 3DES object. """ if implList is None: implList = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"] for impl in implList: if impl == "openssl" and cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded: return, 2, IV) elif impl == "pycrypto" and cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded: return, 2, IV) elif impl == "python": return, IV) raise NotImplementedError()