Source code for tlslite.utils.aesgcm

# Author: Google
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

# GCM derived from Go's implementation in crypto/cipher.

# GCM works over elements of the field GF(2^128), each of which is a 128-bit
# polynomial. Throughout this implementation, polynomials are represented as
# Python integers with the low-order terms at the most significant bits. So a
# 128-bit polynomial is an integer from 0 to 2^128-1 with the most significant
# bit representing the x^0 term and the least significant bit representing the
# x^127 term. This bit reversal also applies to polynomials used as indices in a
# look-up table.

from __future__ import division
from tlslite.utils import python_aes
from .constanttime import ct_compare_digest
from .cryptomath import bytesToNumber, numberToByteArray

[docs] class AESGCM(object): """ AES-GCM implementation. Note: this implementation does not attempt to be side-channel resistant. It's also rather slow. """
[docs] def __init__(self, key, implementation, rawAesEncrypt): self.isBlockCipher = False self.isAEAD = True self.nonceLength = 12 self.tagLength = 16 self.implementation = implementation if len(key) == 16: = "aes128gcm" elif len(key) == 32: = "aes256gcm" else: raise AssertionError() self.key = key self._rawAesEncrypt = rawAesEncrypt self._ctr =, 6, bytearray(b'\x00' * 16)) # The GCM key is AES(0). h = bytesToNumber(self._rawAesEncrypt(bytearray(16))) # Pre-compute all 4-bit multiples of h. Note that bits are reversed # because our polynomial representation places low-order terms at the # most significant bit. Thus x^0 * h = h is at index 0b1000 = 8 and # x^1 * h is at index 0b0100 = 4. self._productTable = [0] * 16 self._productTable[self._reverseBits(1)] = h for i in range(2, 16, 2): self._productTable[self._reverseBits(i)] = \ self._gcmShift(self._productTable[self._reverseBits(i//2)]) self._productTable[self._reverseBits(i+1)] = \ self._gcmAdd(self._productTable[self._reverseBits(i)], h)
def _auth(self, ciphertext, ad, tagMask): y = 0 y = self._update(y, ad) y = self._update(y, ciphertext) y ^= (len(ad) << (3 + 64)) | (len(ciphertext) << 3) y = self._mul(y) y ^= bytesToNumber(tagMask) return numberToByteArray(y, 16) def _update(self, y, data): for i in range(0, len(data) // 16): y ^= bytesToNumber(data[16*i:16*i+16]) y = self._mul(y) extra = len(data) % 16 if extra != 0: block = bytearray(16) block[:extra] = data[-extra:] y ^= bytesToNumber(block) y = self._mul(y) return y def _mul(self, y): """ Returns y*H, where H is the GCM key. """ ret = 0 # Multiply H by y 4 bits at a time, starting with the highest power # terms. for i in range(0, 128, 4): # Multiply by x^4. The reduction for the top four terms is # precomputed. retHigh = ret & 0xf ret >>= 4 ret ^= (AESGCM._gcmReductionTable[retHigh] << (128-16)) # Add in y' * H where y' are the next four terms of y, shifted down # to the x^0..x^4. This is one of the pre-computed multiples of # H. The multiplication by x^4 shifts them back into place. ret ^= self._productTable[y & 0xf] y >>= 4 assert y == 0 return ret
[docs] def seal(self, nonce, plaintext, data): """ Encrypts and authenticates plaintext using nonce and data. Returns the ciphertext, consisting of the encrypted plaintext and tag concatenated. """ if len(nonce) != 12: raise ValueError("Bad nonce length") # The initial counter value is the nonce, followed by a 32-bit counter # that starts at 1. It's used to compute the tag mask. counter = bytearray(16) counter[:12] = nonce counter[-1] = 1 tagMask = self._rawAesEncrypt(counter) # The counter starts at 2 for the actual encryption. counter[-1] = 2 self._ctr.counter = counter ciphertext = self._ctr.encrypt(plaintext) tag = self._auth(ciphertext, data, tagMask) return ciphertext + tag
[docs] def open(self, nonce, ciphertext, data): """ Decrypts and authenticates ciphertext using nonce and data. If the tag is valid, the plaintext is returned. If the tag is invalid, returns None. """ if len(nonce) != 12: raise ValueError("Bad nonce length") if len(ciphertext) < 16: return None tag = ciphertext[-16:] ciphertext = ciphertext[:-16] # The initial counter value is the nonce, followed by a 32-bit counter # that starts at 1. It's used to compute the tag mask. counter = bytearray(16) counter[:12] = nonce counter[-1] = 1 tagMask = self._rawAesEncrypt(counter) if not ct_compare_digest(tag, self._auth(ciphertext, data, tagMask)): return None # The counter starts at 2 for the actual decryption. counter[-1] = 2 self._ctr.counter = counter return self._ctr.decrypt(ciphertext)
@staticmethod def _reverseBits(i): assert i < 16 i = ((i << 2) & 0xc) | ((i >> 2) & 0x3) i = ((i << 1) & 0xa) | ((i >> 1) & 0x5) return i @staticmethod def _gcmAdd(x, y): return x ^ y @staticmethod def _gcmShift(x): # Multiplying by x is a right shift, due to bit order. highTermSet = x & 1 x >>= 1 if highTermSet: # The x^127 term was shifted up to x^128, so subtract a 1+x+x^2+x^7 # term. This is 0b11100001 or 0xe1 when represented as an 8-bit # polynomial. x ^= 0xe1 << (128-8) return x @staticmethod def _inc32(counter): for i in range(len(counter)-1, len(counter)-5, -1): counter[i] = (counter[i] + 1) % 256 if counter[i] != 0: break return counter # _gcmReductionTable[i] is i * (1+x+x^2+x^7) for all 4-bit polynomials i. The # result is stored as a 16-bit polynomial. This is used in the reduction step to # multiply elements of GF(2^128) by x^4. _gcmReductionTable = [ 0x0000, 0x1c20, 0x3840, 0x2460, 0x7080, 0x6ca0, 0x48c0, 0x54e0, 0xe100, 0xfd20, 0xd940, 0xc560, 0x9180, 0x8da0, 0xa9c0, 0xb5e0, ]