Source code for tlslite.recordlayer

# Copyright (c) 2014, Hubert Kario
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

"""Implementation of the TLS Record Layer protocol"""

import socket
import errno
import copy
    # in python 3 the native zip() returns iterator
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    izip = zip
    # in python 3 the native range() returns an object/iterator
except NameError:
    xrange = range

from .utils import tlshashlib as hashlib
from .constants import ContentType, CipherSuite
from .messages import RecordHeader3, RecordHeader2, Message
from .utils.cipherfactory import createAESCCM, createAESCCM_8, createAESGCM,\
        createAES, createRC4, createTripleDES, createCHACHA20
from .utils.codec import Parser, Writer
from .utils.compat import compatHMAC
from .utils.cryptomath import getRandomBytes, MD5, HKDF_expand_label
from .utils.constanttime import ct_compare_digest, ct_check_cbc_mac_and_pad
from .errors import TLSRecordOverflow, TLSIllegalParameterException,\
        TLSAbruptCloseError, TLSDecryptionFailed, TLSBadRecordMAC, \
from .mathtls import createMAC_SSL, createHMAC, calc_key

[docs] class RecordSocket(object): """ Socket wrapper for reading and writing TLS Records. :ivar sock: wrapped socket :ivar ~.version: version for the records to be encoded on the wire :ivar tls13record: flag to indicate that TLS 1.3 specific record limits should be used for received records :ivar int recv_record_limit: negotiated maximum size of record plaintext size """
[docs] def __init__(self, sock): """ Assign socket to wrapper :type sock: socket.socket """ self.sock = sock self.version = (0, 0) self.tls13record = False self.recv_record_limit = 2**14
def _sockSendAll(self, data): """ Send all data through socket :type data: bytearray :param data: data to send :raises socket.error: when write to socket failed """ while 1: try: bytesSent = self.sock.send(data) except socket.error as why: if why.args[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN): yield 1 continue raise if bytesSent == len(data): return data = data[bytesSent:] yield 1
[docs] def send(self, msg, padding=0): """ Send the message through socket. :type msg: bytearray :param msg: TLS message to send :type padding: int :param padding: amount of padding to specify for SSLv2 :raises socket.error: when write to socket failed """ data = msg.write() if self.version in ((2, 0), (0, 2)): header = RecordHeader2().create(len(data), padding) else: header = RecordHeader3().create(self.version, msg.contentType, len(data)) data = header.write() + data for result in self._sockSendAll(data): yield result
def _sockRecvAll(self, length): """ Read exactly the amount of bytes specified in L{length} from raw socket. :rtype: generator :returns: generator that will return 0 or 1 in case the socket is non blocking and would block and bytearray in case the read finished :raises TLSAbruptCloseError: when the socket closed """ buf = bytearray(0) if length == 0: yield buf while True: try: socketBytes = self.sock.recv(length - len(buf)) except socket.error as why: if why.args[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN): yield 0 continue else: raise #if the connection closed, raise socket error if len(socketBytes) == 0: raise TLSAbruptCloseError() buf += bytearray(socketBytes) if len(buf) == length: yield buf def _recvHeader(self): """Read a single record header from socket""" #Read the next record header buf = bytearray(0) ssl2 = False result = None for result in self._sockRecvAll(1): if result in (0, 1): yield result else: break assert result is not None buf += result if buf[0] in ContentType.all: ssl2 = False # SSLv3 record layer header is 5 bytes long, we already read 1 result = None for result in self._sockRecvAll(4): if result in (0, 1): yield result else: break assert result is not None buf += result else: # if header has no pading the header is 2 bytes long, 3 otherwise # at the same time we already read 1 byte ssl2 = True if buf[0] & 0x80: readLen = 1 else: readLen = 2 result = None for result in self._sockRecvAll(readLen): if result in (0, 1): yield result else: break assert result is not None buf += result #Parse the record header if ssl2: record = RecordHeader2().parse(Parser(buf)) # padding can't be longer than overall length and if it is present # the overall size must be a multiple of cipher block size if ((record.padding > record.length) or (record.padding and record.length % 8)): raise TLSIllegalParameterException(\ "Malformed record layer header") else: record = RecordHeader3().parse(Parser(buf)) yield record
[docs] def recv(self): """ Read a single record from socket, handle SSLv2 and SSLv3 record layer :rtype: generator :returns: generator that returns 0 or 1 in case the read would be blocking or a tuple containing record header (object) and record data (bytearray) read from socket :raises socket.error: In case of network error :raises TLSAbruptCloseError: When the socket was closed on the other side in middle of record receiving :raises TLSRecordOverflow: When the received record was longer than allowed by TLS :raises TLSIllegalParameterException: When the record header was malformed """ record = None for record in self._recvHeader(): if record in (0, 1): yield record else: break assert record is not None #Check the record header fields # 18432 = 2**14 (default record size limit) + 1024 (maximum compression # overhead) + 1024 (maximum encryption overhead) if record.length > self.recv_record_limit + 1024 + 1024: raise TLSRecordOverflow() if self.tls13record and record.length > self.recv_record_limit + 256: raise TLSRecordOverflow() #Read the record contents buf = bytearray(0) result = None for result in self._sockRecvAll(record.length): if result in (0, 1): yield result else: break assert result is not None buf += result yield (record, buf)
[docs] class ConnectionState(object): """Preserve the connection state for reading and writing data to records"""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Create an instance with empty encryption and MACing contexts""" self.macContext = None self.encContext = None self.fixedNonce = None self.seqnum = 0 self.encryptThenMAC = False
[docs] def getSeqNumBytes(self): """Return encoded sequence number and increment it.""" writer = Writer() writer.add(self.seqnum, 8) self.seqnum += 1 return writer.bytes
def __copy__(self): """Return a copy of the object.""" ret = ConnectionState() ret.macContext = copy.copy(self.macContext) ret.encContext = copy.copy(self.encContext) ret.fixedNonce = self.fixedNonce ret.seqnum = self.seqnum ret.encryptThenMAC = self.encryptThenMAC return ret
[docs] class RecordLayer(object): """ Implementation of TLS record layer protocol :ivar ~.version: the TLS version to use (tuple encoded as on the wire) :ivar sock: underlying socket :ivar client: whether the connection should use encryption :ivar handshake_finished: used in SSL2, True if handshake protocol is over :ivar tls13record: if True, the record layer will use the TLS 1.3 version and content type hiding :ivar bool early_data_ok: if True, it's ok to ignore undecryptable records up to the size of max_early_data (sum of payloads) :ivar int max_early_data: maximum number of bytes that will be processed before aborting the connection on data that can not be validated, works only if early_data_ok is set to True :ivar callable padding_cb: callback used for calculating the size of padding to add in TLSv1.3 records :ivar int send_record_limit: hint provided to padding callback to not generate records larger than the receiving size expects :ivar int recv_record_limit: negotiated size of records we are willing to accept, TLSRecordOverflow will be raised when records with larger plaintext size are received (in TLS 1.3 padding is included in this size but encrypted content type is not) """
[docs] def __init__(self, sock): self.sock = sock self._recordSocket = RecordSocket(sock) self._version = (0, 0) self._tls13record = False self.client = True self._writeState = ConnectionState() self._readState = ConnectionState() self._pendingWriteState = ConnectionState() self._pendingReadState = ConnectionState() self.fixedIVBlock = None self.handshake_finished = False self.padding_cb = None self._early_data_ok = False self.max_early_data = 0 self._early_data_processed = 0 self.send_record_limit = 2**14
@property def recv_record_limit(self): """Maximum record size that is permitted for receiving.""" return self._recordSocket.recv_record_limit @recv_record_limit.setter def recv_record_limit(self, value): self._recordSocket.recv_record_limit = value @property def early_data_ok(self): """ Set or get the state of early data acceptability. If processing of the early_data records is to suceed, even if the encryption is not correct, set this property to True. It will be automatically reset to False as soon as a decryptable record is processed. Use max_early_data to set the limit of the total size of records that will be processed like this. """ return self._early_data_ok @early_data_ok.setter def early_data_ok(self, val): self._early_data_processed = 0 self._early_data_ok = val @property def encryptThenMAC(self): """ Set or get the setting of Encrypt Then MAC mechanism. set the encrypt-then-MAC mechanism for record integrity for next parameter change (after CCS), gets current state """ return self._writeState.encryptThenMAC @encryptThenMAC.setter def encryptThenMAC(self, value): self._pendingWriteState.encryptThenMAC = value self._pendingReadState.encryptThenMAC = value def _get_pending_state_etm(self): """ Return the state of encrypt then MAC for the connection after CCS will be exchanged """ return self._pendingWriteState.encryptThenMAC @property def blockSize(self): """Return the size of block used by current symmetric cipher (R/O)""" return self._writeState.encContext.block_size @property def tls13record(self): """Return the value of the tls13record state.""" return self._tls13record @tls13record.setter def tls13record(self, val): """Change the record layer to TLS1.3-like operation, if applicable.""" self._tls13record = val self._recordSocket.tls13record = val self._handle_tls13_record() def _is_tls13_plus(self): """Returns True if we're doing real TLS 1.3.""" return self._version > (3, 3) and self._tls13record def _handle_tls13_record(self): """Make sure that the version and tls13record setting is consistent.""" if self._is_tls13_plus(): # in TLS 1.3 all records need to be sent with the generic version # which is the same as TLS 1.2 self._recordSocket.version = (3, 3) else: self._recordSocket.version = self._version @property def version(self): """Return the TLS version used by record layer""" return self._version @version.setter def version(self, val): """Set the TLS version used by record layer""" self._version = val self._handle_tls13_record()
[docs] def getCipherName(self): """ Return the name of the bulk cipher used by this connection :rtype: str :returns: The name of the cipher, like 'aes128', 'rc4', etc. """ if self._writeState.encContext is None: return None return
[docs] def getCipherImplementation(self): """ Return the name of the implementation used for the connection 'python' for tlslite internal implementation, 'openssl' for M2crypto and 'pycrypto' for pycrypto :rtype: str :returns: Name of cipher implementation used, None if not initialised """ if self._writeState.encContext is None: return None return self._writeState.encContext.implementation
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Clear read and write states""" self._writeState = ConnectionState() self._readState = ConnectionState() self._pendingWriteState = ConnectionState() self._pendingReadState = ConnectionState()
[docs] def isCBCMode(self): """Returns true if cipher uses CBC mode""" if self._writeState and self._writeState.encContext and \ self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher: return True else: return False
# # sending messages #
[docs] def addPadding(self, data): """Add padding to data so that it is multiple of block size""" currentLength = len(data) blockLength = self.blockSize paddingLength = blockLength - 1 - (currentLength % blockLength) paddingBytes = bytearray([paddingLength] * (paddingLength+1)) data += paddingBytes return data
[docs] def calculateMAC(self, mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, data): """Calculate the SSL/TLS version of a MAC""" mac.update(compatHMAC(seqnumBytes)) mac.update(compatHMAC(bytearray([contentType]))) assert self.version in ((3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)) if self.version != (3, 0): mac.update(compatHMAC(bytearray([self.version[0]]))) mac.update(compatHMAC(bytearray([self.version[1]]))) mac.update(compatHMAC(bytearray([len(data)//256]))) mac.update(compatHMAC(bytearray([len(data)%256]))) mac.update(compatHMAC(data)) return bytearray(mac.digest())
def _macThenEncrypt(self, data, contentType): """MAC, pad then encrypt data""" if self._writeState.macContext: seqnumBytes = self._writeState.getSeqNumBytes() mac = self._writeState.macContext.copy() macBytes = self.calculateMAC(mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, data) data += macBytes #Encrypt for Block or Stream Cipher if self._writeState.encContext: #Add padding (for Block Cipher): if self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher: #Add TLS 1.1 fixed block if self.version >= (3, 2): data = self.fixedIVBlock + data data = self.addPadding(data) #Encrypt data = self._writeState.encContext.encrypt(data) return data def _encryptThenMAC(self, buf, contentType): """Pad, encrypt and then MAC the data""" if self._writeState.encContext: # add IV for TLS1.1+ if self.version >= (3, 2): buf = self.fixedIVBlock + buf buf = self.addPadding(buf) buf = self._writeState.encContext.encrypt(buf) # add MAC if self._writeState.macContext: seqnumBytes = self._writeState.getSeqNumBytes() mac = self._writeState.macContext.copy() # append MAC macBytes = self.calculateMAC(mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, buf) buf += macBytes return buf def _getNonce(self, state, seqnum): """Calculate a nonce for a given enc/dec context""" # ChaCha is using the draft-TLS1.3-like nonce derivation if ( == "chacha20-poly1305" and len(state.fixedNonce) == 12) or self._is_tls13_plus(): # 4 byte nonce is used by the draft cipher pad = bytearray(len(state.fixedNonce) - len(seqnum)) nonce = bytearray(i ^ j for i, j in zip(pad + seqnum, state.fixedNonce)) else: nonce = state.fixedNonce + seqnum return nonce def _encryptThenSeal(self, buf, contentType): """Encrypt with AEAD cipher""" #Assemble the authenticated data. seqNumBytes = self._writeState.getSeqNumBytes() if not self._is_tls13_plus(): authData = seqNumBytes + bytearray([contentType, self.version[0], self.version[1], len(buf)//256, len(buf)%256]) else: # TLS 1.3 out_len = len(buf) + self._writeState.encContext.tagLength # this is just recreated Record Layer header authData = bytearray([contentType, self._recordSocket.version[0], self._recordSocket.version[1], out_len // 256, out_len % 256]) nonce = self._getNonce(self._writeState, seqNumBytes) assert len(nonce) == self._writeState.encContext.nonceLength buf = self._writeState.encContext.seal(nonce, buf, authData) #AES-GCM, has an explicit variable nonce. if "aes" in and \ not self._is_tls13_plus(): buf = seqNumBytes + buf return buf def _ssl2Encrypt(self, data): """Encrypt in SSL2 mode""" # in SSLv2 sequence numbers are incremented for plaintext records too seqnumBytes = self._writeState.getSeqNumBytes() if (self._writeState.encContext and self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher): plaintext_len = len(data) data = self.addPadding(data) padding = len(data) - plaintext_len else: padding = 0 if self._writeState.macContext: mac = self._writeState.macContext.copy() mac.update(compatHMAC(data)) mac.update(compatHMAC(seqnumBytes[-4:])) data = bytearray(mac.digest()) + data if self._writeState.encContext: data = self._writeState.encContext.encrypt(data) return data, padding
[docs] def sendRecord(self, msg): """ Encrypt, MAC and send arbitrary message as-is through socket. Note that if the message was not fragmented to below 2**14 bytes it will be rejected by the other connection side. :param msg: TLS message to send :type msg: ApplicationData, HandshakeMessage, etc. """ data = msg.write() contentType = msg.contentType # TLS 1.3 hides the content type of messages # but CCS is always not encrypted if self._is_tls13_plus() and self._writeState.encContext and \ contentType != ContentType.change_cipher_spec: data += bytearray([contentType]) if self.padding_cb: max_padding = self.send_record_limit - len(data) - 1 # add number of zero bytes specified by padding_cb() data += bytearray(self.padding_cb(len(data), contentType, max_padding)) # in TLS 1.3 contentType is ignored by _encryptThenSeal contentType = ContentType.application_data padding = 0 if self.version in ((0, 2), (2, 0)): data, padding = self._ssl2Encrypt(data) elif self.version > (3, 3) and \ contentType == ContentType.change_cipher_spec: # TLS 1.3 does not encrypt CCS messages pass elif self._writeState.encContext and \ self._writeState.encContext.isAEAD: data = self._encryptThenSeal(data, contentType) elif self._writeState.encryptThenMAC: data = self._encryptThenMAC(data, contentType) else: data = self._macThenEncrypt(data, contentType) encryptedMessage = Message(contentType, data) for result in self._recordSocket.send(encryptedMessage, padding): yield result
# # receiving messages # def _decryptStreamThenMAC(self, recordType, data): """Decrypt a stream cipher and check MAC""" if self._readState.encContext: assert self.version in ((3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)) data = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(data) if self._readState.macContext: #Check MAC macGood = True macLength = self._readState.macContext.digest_size endLength = macLength if endLength > len(data): macGood = False else: #Read MAC startIndex = len(data) - endLength endIndex = startIndex + macLength checkBytes = data[startIndex : endIndex] #Calculate MAC seqnumBytes = self._readState.getSeqNumBytes() data = data[:-endLength] mac = self._readState.macContext.copy() macBytes = self.calculateMAC(mac, seqnumBytes, recordType, data) #Compare MACs if not ct_compare_digest(macBytes, checkBytes): macGood = False if not macGood: raise TLSBadRecordMAC() return data def _decryptThenMAC(self, recordType, data): """Decrypt data, check padding and MAC""" if self._readState.encContext: assert self.version in ((3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)) assert self._readState.encContext.isBlockCipher assert self._readState.macContext # # decrypt the record # blockLength = self._readState.encContext.block_size if len(data) % blockLength != 0: raise TLSDecryptionFailed() data = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(data) if self.version >= (3, 2): #For TLS 1.1, remove explicit IV data = data[self._readState.encContext.block_size : ] # # check padding and MAC # seqnumBytes = self._readState.getSeqNumBytes() if not ct_check_cbc_mac_and_pad( data, self._readState.macContext, seqnumBytes, recordType, self.version, self._readState.encContext.block_size): raise TLSBadRecordMAC() # # strip padding and MAC # endLength = data[-1] + 1 + self._readState.macContext.digest_size data = data[:-endLength] return data def _macThenDecrypt(self, recordType, buf): """ Check MAC of data, then decrypt and remove padding :raises TLSBadRecordMAC: when the mac value is invalid :raises TLSDecryptionFailed: when the data to decrypt has invalid size """ if self._readState.macContext: macLength = self._readState.macContext.digest_size if len(buf) < macLength: raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Truncated data") checkBytes = buf[-macLength:] buf = buf[:-macLength] seqnumBytes = self._readState.getSeqNumBytes() mac = self._readState.macContext.copy() macBytes = self.calculateMAC(mac, seqnumBytes, recordType, buf) if not ct_compare_digest(macBytes, checkBytes): raise TLSBadRecordMAC("MAC mismatch") if self._readState.encContext: blockLength = self._readState.encContext.block_size if len(buf) % blockLength != 0: raise TLSDecryptionFailed("data length not multiple of "\ "block size") buf = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(buf) # remove explicit IV if self.version >= (3, 2): buf = buf[blockLength:] if len(buf) == 0: raise TLSBadRecordMAC("No data left after IV removal") # check padding paddingLength = buf[-1] if paddingLength + 1 > len(buf): raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Invalid padding length") paddingGood = True totalPaddingLength = paddingLength+1 if self.version != (3, 0): paddingBytes = buf[-totalPaddingLength:-1] for byte in paddingBytes: if byte != paddingLength: paddingGood = False if not paddingGood: raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Invalid padding byte values") # remove padding buf = buf[:-totalPaddingLength] return buf def _decryptAndUnseal(self, header, buf): """Decrypt AEAD encrypted data""" seqnumBytes = self._readState.getSeqNumBytes() # AES-GCM has an explicit variable nonce in TLS 1.2 if "aes" in and \ not self._is_tls13_plus(): explicitNonceLength = 8 if explicitNonceLength > len(buf): #Publicly invalid. raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Truncated nonce") nonce = self._readState.fixedNonce + buf[:explicitNonceLength] buf = buf[8:] else: # for TLS 1.3 and Chacha20 in TLS 1.2 share nonce generation # algorithm nonce = self._getNonce(self._readState, seqnumBytes) if self._readState.encContext.tagLength > len(buf): #Publicly invalid. raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Truncated tag") if not self._is_tls13_plus(): plaintextLen = len(buf) - self._readState.encContext.tagLength authData = seqnumBytes + bytearray([header.type, self.version[0], self.version[1], plaintextLen//256, plaintextLen%256]) else: # TLS 1.3 # enforce the checks for encrypted records if header.type != ContentType.application_data: raise TLSUnexpectedMessage( "Invalid ContentType for encrypted record: {0}" .format(ContentType.toStr(header.type))) if header.version != (3, 3): raise TLSIllegalParameterException( "Unexpected version in encrypted record: {0}" .format(header.version)) if header.length != len(buf): raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Length mismatch") authData = header.write() buf =, buf, authData) if buf is None: raise TLSBadRecordMAC("Invalid tag, decryption failure") return buf def _decryptSSL2(self, data, padding): """Decrypt SSL2 encrypted data""" # sequence numbers are incremented for plaintext records too seqnumBytes = self._readState.getSeqNumBytes() # # decrypt # if self._readState.encContext: if self._readState.encContext.isBlockCipher: blockLength = self._readState.encContext.block_size if len(data) % blockLength: raise TLSDecryptionFailed() data = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(data) # # strip and check MAC # if self._readState.macContext: macBytes = data[:16] data = data[16:] mac = self._readState.macContext.copy() mac.update(compatHMAC(data)) mac.update(compatHMAC(seqnumBytes[-4:])) calcMac = bytearray(mac.digest()) if macBytes != calcMac: raise TLSBadRecordMAC() # # strip padding # if padding: data = data[:-padding] return data @staticmethod def _tls13_de_pad(data): """ Remove the padding and extract content type from TLSInnerPlaintext. :param bytearray data: decrypted plaintext TLS 1.3 record payload (the serialised TLSInnerPlaintext data structure) :rtype: tuple """ # the padding is at the end and the first non-zero byte is the # padding # could be reversed(enumerate(data)), if that worked at all # could be reversed(list(enumerate(data))), if that didn't double # memory usage for pos, value in izip(reversed(xrange(len(data))), reversed(data)): if value != 0: break else: raise TLSUnexpectedMessage("Malformed record layer inner plaintext" " - content type missing") return data[:pos], value
[docs] def recvRecord(self): """ Read, decrypt and check integrity of a single record :rtype: tuple :returns: message header and decrypted message payload :raises TLSDecryptionFailed: when decryption of data failed :raises TLSBadRecordMAC: when record has bad MAC or padding :raises socket.error: when reading from socket was unsuccessful :raises TLSRecordOverflow: when the received record was longer than allowed by negotiated version of TLS """ while True: result = None for result in self._recordSocket.recv(): if result in (0, 1): yield result else: break assert result is not None (header, data) = result # as trying decryption increments sequence number, we need to # keep the old one (we do copy of the whole object in case # some cipher has an internal state itself) read_state_copy = None if self.early_data_ok: # do the copy only when needed read_state_copy = copy.copy(self._readState) try: if isinstance(header, RecordHeader2): data = self._decryptSSL2(data, header.padding) if self.handshake_finished: header.type = ContentType.application_data # in TLS 1.3, the other party may send an unprotected CCS # message at any point in connection elif self._is_tls13_plus() and \ header.type == ContentType.change_cipher_spec: pass # when we're in the early handshake, then unencrypted alerts # are fine too elif self._is_tls13_plus() and \ header.type == ContentType.alert and \ len(data) < 3 and \ self._readState and \ self._readState.encContext and \ self._readState.seqnum == 0: pass elif self._readState and \ self._readState.encContext and \ self._readState.encContext.isAEAD: data = self._decryptAndUnseal(header, data) elif self._readState and self._readState.encryptThenMAC: data = self._macThenDecrypt(header.type, data) elif self._readState and \ self._readState.encContext and \ self._readState.encContext.isBlockCipher: data = self._decryptThenMAC(header.type, data) else: data = self._decryptStreamThenMAC(header.type, data) # if we don't have an encryption context established # and early data is ok, that means we have received # encrypted record in case the type of record is # application_data (from TLS 1.3) if not self._readState.encContext \ and not self._readState.macContext \ and self.early_data_ok and \ header.type == ContentType.application_data: raise TLSBadRecordMAC("early data received") except TLSBadRecordMAC: if self.early_data_ok and ( self._early_data_processed + len(data) < self.max_early_data): # ignore exception, retry reading self._early_data_processed += len(data) # reload state for decryption self._readState = read_state_copy continue raise # as soon as we're able to decrypt messages again, we must # start checking the MACs self.early_data_ok = False # TLS 1.3 encrypts the type, CCS and Alerts are not encrypted if self._is_tls13_plus() and self._readState and \ self._readState.encContext and\ header.type == ContentType.application_data: # check if plaintext is not too big, RFC 8446, section 5.4 if len(data) > self.recv_record_limit + 1: raise TLSRecordOverflow() data, contentType = self._tls13_de_pad(data) header = RecordHeader3().create((3, 4), contentType, len(data)) # RFC 5246, section 6.2.1 if len(data) > self.recv_record_limit: raise TLSRecordOverflow() yield (header, Parser(data))
# # cryptography state methods #
[docs] def changeWriteState(self): """ Change the cipher state to the pending one for write operations. This should be done only once after a call to :py:meth:`calcPendingStates` was performed and directly after sending a :py:class:`ChangeCipherSpec` message. """ if self.version in ((0, 2), (2, 0)): # in SSLv2 sequence numbers carry over from plaintext to encrypted # context self._pendingWriteState.seqnum = self._writeState.seqnum self._writeState = self._pendingWriteState self._pendingWriteState = ConnectionState()
[docs] def changeReadState(self): """ Change the cipher state to the pending one for read operations. This should be done only once after a call to :py:meth:`calcPendingStates` was performed and directly after receiving a :py:class:`ChangeCipherSpec` message. """ if self.version in ((0, 2), (2, 0)): # in SSLv2 sequence numbers carry over from plaintext to encrypted # context self._pendingReadState.seqnum = self._readState.seqnum self._readState = self._pendingReadState self._pendingReadState = ConnectionState()
@staticmethod def _getCipherSettings(cipherSuite): """Get the settings for cipher suite used""" if cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes256GcmSuites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESGCM elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes128GcmSuites: keyLength = 16 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESGCM elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes256Ccm_8Suites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESCCM_8 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes256CcmSuites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESCCM elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes128Ccm_8Suites: keyLength = 16 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESCCM_8 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes128CcmSuites: keyLength = 16 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createAESCCM elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.chacha20Suites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 12 createCipherFunc = createCHACHA20 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.chacha20draft00Suites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 4 createCipherFunc = createCHACHA20 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes128Suites: keyLength = 16 ivLength = 16 createCipherFunc = createAES elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes256Suites: keyLength = 32 ivLength = 16 createCipherFunc = createAES elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.rc4Suites: keyLength = 16 ivLength = 0 createCipherFunc = createRC4 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.tripleDESSuites: keyLength = 24 ivLength = 8 createCipherFunc = createTripleDES elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.nullSuites: keyLength = 0 ivLength = 0 createCipherFunc = None else: raise AssertionError() return (keyLength, ivLength, createCipherFunc) @staticmethod def _getMacSettings(cipherSuite): """Get settings for HMAC used""" if cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aeadSuites: macLength = 0 digestmod = None elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.shaSuites: macLength = 20 digestmod = hashlib.sha1 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.sha256Suites: macLength = 32 digestmod = hashlib.sha256 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.sha384Suites: macLength = 48 digestmod = hashlib.sha384 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.md5Suites: macLength = 16 digestmod = hashlib.md5 else: raise AssertionError() return macLength, digestmod @staticmethod def _getHMACMethod(version): """Get the HMAC method""" assert version in ((3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)) if version == (3, 0): createMACFunc = createMAC_SSL elif version in ((3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)): createMACFunc = createHMAC return createMACFunc
[docs] def calcSSL2PendingStates(self, cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, implementations): """ Create the keys for encryption and decryption in SSLv2 While we could reuse calcPendingStates(), we need to provide the key-arg data for the server that needs to be passed up to handshake protocol. """ if cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2_128Key: key_length = 16 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2_192Key: key_length = 24 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2_64Key: key_length = 8 else: raise ValueError("Unknown cipher specified") key_material = bytearray(key_length * 2) md5_output_size = 16 for i, pos in enumerate(range(0, key_length * 2, md5_output_size)): key_material[pos:pos+md5_output_size] = MD5(\ masterSecret + bytearray(str(i), "ascii") + clientRandom + serverRandom) serverWriteKey = key_material[:key_length] clientWriteKey = key_material[key_length:] # specification draft says that DES key should not use the # incrementing label but all implementations use it anyway #elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2_64Key: # key_material = MD5(masterSecret + clientRandom + serverRandom) # serverWriteKey = key_material[0:8] # clientWriteKey = key_material[8:16] # RC4 cannot use initialisation vector if cipherSuite not in CipherSuite.ssl2rc4: iv = getRandomBytes(8) else: iv = bytearray(0) clientPendingState = ConnectionState() serverPendingState = ConnectionState() # MAC clientPendingState.macContext = hashlib.md5() clientPendingState.macContext.update(compatHMAC(clientWriteKey)) serverPendingState.macContext = hashlib.md5() serverPendingState.macContext.update(compatHMAC(serverWriteKey)) # ciphers if cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2rc4: cipherMethod = createRC4 elif cipherSuite in CipherSuite.ssl2_3des: cipherMethod = createTripleDES else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown cipher") clientPendingState.encContext = cipherMethod(clientWriteKey, iv, implementations) serverPendingState.encContext = cipherMethod(serverWriteKey, iv, implementations) # Assign new connection states to pending states if self.client: self._pendingWriteState = clientPendingState self._pendingReadState = serverPendingState else: self._pendingWriteState = serverPendingState self._pendingReadState = clientPendingState return iv
[docs] def calcPendingStates(self, cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, implementations): """Create pending states for encryption and decryption.""" keyLength, ivLength, createCipherFunc = \ self._getCipherSettings(cipherSuite) macLength, digestmod = self._getMacSettings(cipherSuite) if not digestmod: createMACFunc = None else: createMACFunc = self._getHMACMethod(self.version) outputLength = (macLength*2) + (keyLength*2) + (ivLength*2) #Calculate Keying Material from Master Secret keyBlock = calc_key(self.version, masterSecret, cipherSuite, b"key expansion", client_random=clientRandom, server_random=serverRandom, output_length=outputLength) #Slice up Keying Material clientPendingState = ConnectionState() serverPendingState = ConnectionState() parser = Parser(keyBlock) clientMACBlock = parser.getFixBytes(macLength) serverMACBlock = parser.getFixBytes(macLength) clientKeyBlock = parser.getFixBytes(keyLength) serverKeyBlock = parser.getFixBytes(keyLength) clientIVBlock = parser.getFixBytes(ivLength) serverIVBlock = parser.getFixBytes(ivLength) if digestmod: # Legacy cipher clientPendingState.macContext = createMACFunc( compatHMAC(clientMACBlock), digestmod=digestmod) serverPendingState.macContext = createMACFunc( compatHMAC(serverMACBlock), digestmod=digestmod) if createCipherFunc is not None: clientPendingState.encContext = \ createCipherFunc(clientKeyBlock, clientIVBlock, implementations) serverPendingState.encContext = \ createCipherFunc(serverKeyBlock, serverIVBlock, implementations) else: # AEAD clientPendingState.macContext = None serverPendingState.macContext = None clientPendingState.encContext = createCipherFunc(clientKeyBlock, implementations) serverPendingState.encContext = createCipherFunc(serverKeyBlock, implementations) clientPendingState.fixedNonce = clientIVBlock serverPendingState.fixedNonce = serverIVBlock #Assign new connection states to pending states if self.client: clientPendingState.encryptThenMAC = \ self._pendingWriteState.encryptThenMAC self._pendingWriteState = clientPendingState serverPendingState.encryptThenMAC = \ self._pendingReadState.encryptThenMAC self._pendingReadState = serverPendingState else: serverPendingState.encryptThenMAC = \ self._pendingWriteState.encryptThenMAC self._pendingWriteState = serverPendingState clientPendingState.encryptThenMAC = \ self._pendingReadState.encryptThenMAC self._pendingReadState = clientPendingState if self.version >= (3, 2) and ivLength: #Choose fixedIVBlock for TLS 1.1 (this is encrypted with the CBC #residue to create the IV for each sent block) self.fixedIVBlock = getRandomBytes(ivLength)
[docs] def calcTLS1_3PendingState(self, cipherSuite, cl_traffic_secret, sr_traffic_secret, implementations): """ Create pending state for encryption in TLS 1.3. :param int cipherSuite: cipher suite that will be used for encrypting and decrypting data :param bytearray cl_traffic_secret: Client Traffic Secret, either handshake secret or application data secret :param bytearray sr_traffic_secret: Server Traffic Secret, either handshake secret or application data secret :param list implementations: list of names of implementations that are permitted for the connection """ prf_name = 'sha384' if cipherSuite \ in CipherSuite.sha384PrfSuites \ else 'sha256' key_length, iv_length, cipher_func = \ self._getCipherSettings(cipherSuite) iv_length = 12 clientPendingState = ConnectionState() serverPendingState = ConnectionState() clientPendingState.macContext = None clientPendingState.encContext = \ cipher_func(HKDF_expand_label(cl_traffic_secret, b"key", b"", key_length, prf_name), implementations) clientPendingState.fixedNonce = HKDF_expand_label(cl_traffic_secret, b"iv", b"", iv_length, prf_name) serverPendingState.macContext = None serverPendingState.encContext = \ cipher_func(HKDF_expand_label(sr_traffic_secret, b"key", b"", key_length, prf_name), implementations) serverPendingState.fixedNonce = HKDF_expand_label(sr_traffic_secret, b"iv", b"", iv_length, prf_name) if self.client: self._pendingWriteState = clientPendingState self._pendingReadState = serverPendingState else: self._pendingWriteState = serverPendingState self._pendingReadState = clientPendingState
def _calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate(self, cipherSuite, app_secret): prf_name, prf_length = ('sha384', 48) if cipherSuite \ in CipherSuite.sha384PrfSuites \ else ('sha256', 32) key_length, iv_length, cipher_func = \ self._getCipherSettings(cipherSuite) iv_length = 12 new_app_secret = HKDF_expand_label(app_secret, b"traffic upd", b"", prf_length, prf_name) new_state = ConnectionState() new_state.macContext = None new_state.encContext = \ cipher_func(HKDF_expand_label(new_app_secret, b"key", b"", key_length, prf_name), None) new_state.fixedNonce = HKDF_expand_label(new_app_secret, b"iv", b"", iv_length, prf_name) return new_app_secret, new_state
[docs] def calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate_sender(self, cipherSuite, cl_app_secret, sr_app_secret): if self.client: new_sr_app_secret, server_state = self._calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate( cipherSuite, sr_app_secret) self._readState = server_state return cl_app_secret, new_sr_app_secret else: new_cl_app_secret, client_state = self._calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate( cipherSuite, cl_app_secret) self._readState = client_state return new_cl_app_secret, sr_app_secret
[docs] def calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate_reciever(self, cipherSuite, cl_app_secret, sr_app_secret): if self.client: new_cl_app_secret, client_state = self._calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate( cipherSuite, cl_app_secret) self._writeState = client_state return new_cl_app_secret, sr_app_secret else: new_sr_app_secret, server_state = self._calcTLS1_3KeyUpdate( cipherSuite, sr_app_secret) self._writeState = server_state return cl_app_secret, new_sr_app_secret